Sayings of the Breath
Sayings of the Breath
“Sayings of the Breath” is for anyone who loves the Breath, yoga and meditation. This lively, sometimes funny, collection of poetic musings, enthusiastically invites you to focus on the breath every morning. Written for students in Tom's 6am class, these words may touch your heart and inspire you to breathe with us every morning.
“About Tom” in 68 seconds
Since 1988, Tom Gillette has been helping people discover insights about yoga beyond physical exercise. He was the director of the renowned “Eyes of the World Yoga" center, in downtown Providence, RI, as well as 3 other yoga centers. He has led 34 Yoga Teacher Trainings, and thousands, upon thousands, of yoga classes. His teaching now focuses on many novel variations of a breathing practice called Nāḍī Shodhana, or “Left Right Breath.” Practicing hours each day for many years has transformed his life.
“Sayings of the Breath” was written for Tom’s students, a collection of the poetical writings that began to flow with the meditative practice of Left Right Breath. At present, Tom teaches online everyday, the traditional way, by donation.
Left Right Breath alternates the stimulation of the left and right hemispheres of the brain. It is considered by many esteemed gurus and yogis as the ultimate practice in yoga. Known mostly for its calming and anti-anxiety effects, Left Right Breath has other wide reaching effects on the nervous system, heart and the immune system. Everyday practice leads to an inner world full of daily discoveries. Come join Tom on a journey with the breath. It is literally free and if you find these practices useful, consider making a donation.
“ is so simple yet powerful. Hearing your daily lessons on This Next Breath was a bonus. When I purchased the program, I had no idea how much I was getting! I’ve been going strong with my practice for six weeks, and I have a much deeper awareness of my breath and my mind feels more spacious. Your pearls of wisdom are very encouraging and they give me hope. Your words and this practice is more than just a personal gift to myself. Spread the good word, Tom.”
“I got my bloodwork, the only test I had done after months of practice. My cholesterol levels after 3 months of daily pranayama practice reduced significantly! Thirty units lower-and I changed nothing in my personal habits except for pranayama daily.”