“Breath practices are the soul of yoga. It is yoga itself.”
This Next Breath 1 is a 40 Day online independent study course
that follows a specific breath practice. Move at your own pace through the lessons.
A good place to begin
40 Days of Guided Classes
Feed your mind good thoughts at the beginning of each day. Each day is a new theme or topic that will keep your practice fresh and stimulated. Begin your day with the immediacy of this next arising Breath.
40+ Instructional Videos
For beginner students
Instructional and demonstration videos will help you know exactly what to do. This Next Breath does many things differently than other breath courses.
Learn at your Own Pace
Independent Study allows you to learn about the breath when it suits you. Get the course now. Begin at any time.
A big practice starts with a small practice
done all the time.
“The Posture of Life” passively relaxes the respiratory muscularture.
the key to sitting pose is the sacrum
This Next Breath 1 starts off very simple and grows into an elegant and highly detailed breath practice. This practice goes farther than what you are expecting. In This Next Breath 1, we only do a couple of minutes of Left Right Breath in a seated position, more like the traditional style.
Start at the Beginning
Do you have a hard time waking up in the morning? Do you “wake up on the wrong side of the bed?” Most people do, some of the time.
With This Next Breath 1, we have a solution! You roll out of bed, splash water on your face, and then you lie down again! Hit the “Play” button. Be guided into “The Posture of Life,” the life giving pose that is restful, yet activating. You are resting, but it wakes you up! In 6 minutes, it opens up your ability to breathe and creates a sweet transition from sleep. Then, you will be guided to sit up and follow an active, modern breath intervention of extraordinary effectiveness that grows and grows and grows. This Next Breath 1 is physically safe and easy to practice and there are variations for every body type. You can practice in a chair.
Every morning, you will make an easy transition from your dream world into a very clear state of awareness. A new habit will emerge. In 41 days, this very awake, balanced state of consciousness will become your new normal. The first half hour of the morning sets the tone for the whole day and ultimately the course of your life. This Next Breath sequence has proven effective for thousands of people and it will make you feel energized and shiny all morning. Yes, it is possible!
This course was published in 2018, with huge success. It is an excellent introductory course in traditional yoga breath techniques. Everyone who has truly done the course raves about it! Your life will make a dramatic turn for the better.
“Breath practice increases mental capacity, sharpens intelligence, increases the power of memory … and make’s one nature virtuous. ”
“Breath is the heart of yoga practice.”
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