A Left Right Breath
every hour is MUCH easier than your mind would expect.
Why do such a thing? It sounds annoying.
Experiment Part One: Set up your phone to “twinkle” every hour.
Do one round minimum of any variation of Left Right Breath, splitting your internal awareness of sensations on the left and right sides. This is much easier than your mind probably thinks.
Bring the depth of your morning Left Right Breath Meditation into your day, every hour. You will be surprised and exponentially rewarded.
Experiment Part Two: Every hour include a beneficial thought on your phone. Have your mind keep repeating wholesome beneficial contemplative thoughts, such as gratitude, loving kindness, the ethical precepts of yoga and ideas like that, throughout your day.
After one day, nothing happens. After 2 days, nothing much happens. The mind is like a tape recorder and keeps repeating the thoughts you think. After a month, … the beginning of huge life transforming shifts start to happen. When we mindfully inhale through one sinus, with a higher vibration thoughts such as loving kindness or gratitude, it becomes especially charged with potency.
What if you did this every hour for years?
You are in the process of reprogramming the thoughts that go through your mind all day long and you get to do your own reprogramming. You mentally become a different person according to the thoughts you think.
Experiment Part Three: Instead of Doing a round of Left Right Breath every hour, just take a “Mindfulness Moment,” a la Thich Nhat Hanh, where you stop all doing and just BE for a minute. Doing versus Being. Compare a day of “Mindfulness Moments” versus a day of “Split Breath” at the top of every hour. What do you expect will be the result, before the experiment? After the experiment, what do you discover? Are you surprised?
We live in a house of thoughts.
What thoughts do you want to dominate your mind?
Yogic thoughts to put on your phone
Other inspiring phrases you might use
What you practice gets stronger
What you focus on gets bigger
What I keep doing, is who I become
The whole world is One Family
True Friends are the greatest wealth
Have fun and play
This too shall pass
Do your best, Let it go
Plant good seeds in the unconscious mind
Dig the well, before the house is on fire
Be still and know thyself
Your purpose is loving service
What is inside, leaks outside
You are always on a trajectory with your habits
What you do today does matter
You are always in the process of habit formation
My only job is to be curious about the present moment
The Slight Edge is always at work.
I am always strengthening habits, whether they are good or bad.
Presence! Positivity!
Linger after the inhale
Linger after the exhale
Become the Witness
“Showing up is essential.
Showing up consistently is powerful.
Showing up consistently with a positive outlook is even more powerful”
“Try not to become a man of success, but become a man of value.”
What I think repeatedly, becomes who I am.
Continuous breath awareness
Always connected to the breath
If we keep going in the direction we are going, we are going to wind up where we are headed.
Looks hard, but this is the easiest thing in the world with a huge impact on your life.