“What is this obsession with Breath about?”

a friend asks on Facebook.


  • Breath can alleviate anxiety

  • Breath can reduce pain in the body, emotions and mind

  • Increase memory and intelligence

  • Reduce high blood pressure

  • Sharpen your focus

  • Physiologically slow down the breath, and the door to meditation opens.

  • Access unbounded Joy you never thought possible, because it has got nothing to do with thinking

Don’t underestimate the breath

  • Breath leaves the body; the soul leaves. (That’s a big clue.)

  • Your mind and emotions ride on the breath.

  • Your breath habits will only change through persistent daily action.

  • Breath & Consciousness move together and can be still together.

  • Breath is the ultimate teacher, who is always with you, and will take you to the depth of who you are.

    Breath can help you…

    Learn how to access your body’s natural pain killers

    Learn how to access your body’s natural decongestants

    Learn how to access your body’s natural bronchodilator

    Learn how to reduce allergies

    Learn how to clean the arteries and increase blood flow to the brain

    Whether you've been practicing for 2 months or 20 years, 
    the content of this program will have a profound impact on your life.