One Ghatikaa
The real practice begins at 24 minutes of never-missing-a-day alternate nostril breath…
There is a physiological threshold that the yogi crosses over at 24 minutes. This is the barest minimum for the nitric oxide to start flowing., the key molecule of pranayama. How to get there?
Starting from 5 or 10 minutes, you might be able to heroically practice a few days of 24 minutes, but this whole shift requires a lifestyle change of orderly habits. One Ghatikaa is something that you slowly work up to.
When finished, this course will comprise 365 Days of 24 minute practice. This course is also the further refinement of what This Next Breath 2 reveals. This course is packed with many mudras, mantras and novel techniques that have never been published in any book. Hopefully that too will soon change and the Ghatikaa book is forthcoming. It is pretty cool that this is something that no one has ever done on video before. It is new ground.
An alternative title for this course could be “365 ways to do Alternate Nostril Breath.” Practicing in alternate nostril breath will bring an ordinary person into every moment connection to the breath. The traditional “masculine” willful methods of teaching pranayama with ratios and control have not worked. People don’t practice this way long enough for the magic to happen. It has to be fun and enjoyable. It is better if you look forward to practice with zest and enthusiasm. This is the “feminine” method, the way of surrender. The breath becomes water and we let it flow.
You will be inspired everyday to practice something new and your awareness will blossom. Just play one new video each morning. It is super inexpensive and a gold mine of information, for yoga teachers and information junkies.
After 24 minutes, comes One Mahoorta, 48 minutes. Each one of these stages are thresholds of daily pranayama. This online course is a record of the path that Tom has taken that anyone can follow. He now practices a minimum of 1 hour a day of alternate nostril and you might wonder why. When he goes sailing he practices 2 or 3 hours a day. What is so important about alternate nostril breath?
You will find out by your own experience, not talk. You will arrive in “Every moment awareness of Breath.”. Your nervous system will change and everything else about your life in the most delightful way. You can do this.