Featured Classes
The Earth and The Sun
Hand postures are "Slight Edge" practices. They become relevant when practiced everyday. Explore these 2 positions with Left Right Breath. One builds the body up and the other will curb your appetite. really....
A Dhāraṇā Practice
Not recommended for new folks. Once Left Right Breath has been established for a long time, the breath will slow and the mind will "sit down." Where we focus, brings up different mind states and experiences. In this recording, we engender sustained focus on the Olfactory Bulbs, Shiva's Cave, the Pratyāhāra Point and the Heart. If you have been around the block a few times, you will be delighted.
After This Next Breath 1
Fundamentals 1: The Radar Practice. This is a demonstration of how the orientation of the hands affects the breath. $15
Intermediate Level
“Joystick of Consciousness” Try this TNB2 intermediate level class that will introduce you a new world of alternate nostril breath.
Intermediate Level
“Fire Series” Wrapping the fingers around the thumb is very calming. Directing the thumb at the tip of the nose is very strong and fiery. Combine the two with left right breath and something unique occurs. 2 classes