Reflect on past decisions. Decisions are emotion based.
/"Decisions are emotion based, and then we back them up with reasons." says Blake Eastman, of the Non Verbal Group, a Human Behavior Expert. "It is necessary to have a reflective system in place to examine the thought process that went behind every decision, and that includes writing them down, if we are going to understand ourselves and make better decisions. There is only one way to steer our lives. Are all my decisions and behaviors consistent with my goals? Everyone needs a review process in place if you are going to have your behavior align with your goal."
Reflection on the thought process that went into a decision, is the piece I need to come back to today. Without deep reflection on our decisions, especially in the early morning hours, we will continue to make emotion based reactions that may or may not be in alignment to where we want to go. Is my thought process emotional justification, rationalization? Is that a squirrelly sub personality?
If the voice inside says "I will wait and see how I feel", "I am too sick""Too tired" "'I can't' means I won't" these are usually emotion based voices that are powerfully convincing and may sound like "my truth," one of the smarmiest phrases ever. These voices are not really you, the yogis will tell you. Ekhart Tolle would call them your "Pain body speaking."
Setting a goal and living it, is one of the most exciting, worthwhile and self esteem building things a human can do.
One of the tenets of this program is to "Never Miss A Day." In the early morning hours, as we transition from sleep to waking state, our mental decision making capacity is diminished. Some days the thought process at that time of the day is murky and dark. In this course, we follow the maxims "Practice Anyway." "Show up for your life.""Keep a Calendar."
This Next Breath is a simple 25 minute Breathing Program and done everyday becomes a super powerful, super charging, life changing force, or so say the people doing this program wholeheartedly. It starts off small and grows big. Even though this practice is 25 minutes, any commitment to a goal invites breakdown, and fears around breakdown and all kinds of interior personality problems. Gratitude and Forgiveness are important friends along the way.
Maybe practice today doesn't look like other days, (personally I am up to one hour of Anuloma Viloma) and I showed up, hell or high water, ragged and beaten up by this cold. Resistance was at an all time high. Maybe todays practice was "shoddy" compared to the other supersonic days. Drop the judgment about "good and bad" again and again and again. Start again.
We all do the best we can with our commitments. I wish you well with the voices inside your head and steering your life. What you practice gets stronger.
"Just when you think you have mastered the voices in your head, they get trickier. Yogi Amrit Desai