You close the class!
Would you like to offer a final prayer of good wishes to everyone on the 6am broadcast today? There is so much collective wisdom in this group that shows up every morning, let’s see what happens.
Each day, someone from the online class takes a turn to lead a final closing, sending everyone off on a blissful, mindful and glorious day!
Volunteer in the chat box before class
Get online early. In the chat box, let the teacher know you would like to volunteer and lead the closing. Be a champ. Take a turn. Overcome your fears. Share your love and light. Speaking is powerful. Take advantage of this opportunity. Especially if you are scared.
Tom (or the teacher) will cue you at the end of class with a phrase like this:
Closing bell rings
“(your name) ________________ has offered to share a few words with us today…”
You are welcome to use the sentences below or compose your own closing, 1-4 sentences long. You can “OM” or you can opt not to “OM”. There are some suggestions below.
Sample sentences (or you make it up)
Please bring your hands together over your heart….
“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.” ~ Meister Eckhart
Be sure to return to the breath many times today.
From my heart to yours, thank you for practicing with me and supporting all of us.
It’s always an honor and a privilege to share practice with you.
Do good, be good, and be kind to everyone you meet. No exceptions.
May your days be happy, healthy and full of love!
May our thoughts, words and actions today support all beings be happy and free.
The light in me honors the light in each one of you.
May the rest of your day be as glorious as the light which shines from your heart.
What you practice, gets stronger. What you focus on, gets bigger. What you keep doing, is who you become.
Do your best. You don’t have to be perfect. And have fun.
It would be great if all the regulars on the broadcast took a turn. We will try this experiment for 2 weeks to see if it works.