A Day of Breath
Apr 24, 2022
A Day of Workshops with Tom Gillette and Ellen Schaeffer
Fully devote yourself to the breath, for just one day.
6:00 - 7:15am Early Session (bring a pen and journal)
9:00 - 11:00am Morning Session*
3:00 - 3:45pm Afternoon Session
5:00 - 6:00pm Evening Session*
*dress for some easy postures. All sessions are online.
For new and experienced breath people.
Almost every yogi has done some breath practice, but what if you applied your focus in a more concentrated way? Spend the day, with your breath, over and over again. In four cumulative sessions, Tom and Ellen will offer insights into beginning and sustaining a long term breath practice.
* 'Dinacharya' - Life is about habits
* Science - interesting recent breath research
* The importance of the hands
* Tools that support practice: Nasya, Essential oils, props
* Meet others who devotedly follow This Next Breath for over 2 years everyday.
Theory and practice must go together. Find out more. $40
This will be a “high prana day.” For just one day, we will build up our time with Alternate Left Right Breath. This Next Breath practices make it easy.
You will experience a total of 90 to 120 minutes of different alternate left right breath variations by the end of the day. This Next Breath practices are a true paradigm shift in the way traditional hatha-pranayama yoga is taught and conducted.
A concentrated experience of Alternate Brain Hemisphere Breath will give most people a big “Ah-Ha! So this is what happens! I was only doing 10 minutes.” As one student exclaimed, "I have become the Energizer Bunny!" Other people get really tired with lots of prana and that too is a common temporary experience. Up level your practice, just for one day and see what you experience.
There will be time for small and large group discussions about the things that come up with concentrated breath practice. The feed back from the previous retreat, is that many participants wanted even more connection with others to process what they were going through.
Incredible people show up for this. One of the other strengths of this retreat is that you hang out with high quality friends. Tom and Ellen offer loving guidance and inspiration.
You must register at least one day before.