The Immersion Course: In-depth dive into the details

3 Sunday nights 6:00-7:30pm ET (will be recorded)
Jan 14, 21, 28   $108

All levels program.
There is so much to learn and discover. Join us and we'll get immersed in the deep waters of the mind-body-breath connection. We'll explore current research on pranayama, building CO2 tolerance, breathing for athletes, miraculous Nitric Oxide, pros and cons of mouth taping, finger and tongue placements, bandhas, Left Right practice at night time, supportive Ayurvedic products, essential oils, dietary suggestions for practice, dos and don'ts, pro-tips, and much more. If you miss a session they will be recorded. 

All participants will receive the online course "This Next Breath 1" $159, as a gift.

$98 by Jan 8, $108 by Jan 12, $118 by Jan 13