Yoga by Donation is not liked
/Yoga by Donation is not liked
70% of the people on the June 12,2020 survey did not like yoga by donation and preferred the more traditional American “tell-me-what-it-costs” form. The survey was non-scientific with a small sample size of 40. With small sample sizes there can be large errors. Still, I was shocked by the response.
Another RI yoga teacher who also does yoga-by-donation, did a similar survey and fully 50% said they preferred the American one price for a class or a package of classes. This is fascinating to me.
Yoga by donation (Daana) is the traditional way of transmitting Yoga that is thousands of years old. If you are moved by the class and can donate please do, if you can’t, please don’t donate, but still come. You can donate any amount. My gut tells me to continue yoga by donation (Daana). Daana is the one of the Niyamas, the ten ethical observances, in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika.
People have commented that yoga by donation is confusing. They wind up feeling guilty if they don’t donate. They feel really stressed about money especially right now with Covid. A mother who has kids, is under-employed, said money is a "bad topic in my household and this is my lifeline.” A college student said he treasured the lessons, but "heh, I can’t even begin to pay my bills, thank you thank you.”
I especially want those people in class! Yoga needs to be for everyone. Those who treasure it; they should be there.
Yoga by donation has so many beautiful dimensions for me personally. It is the practice of being unattached to the fruits of one's actions. Being unattached to the fruits of one's actions is the principle teaching of the Bhagavad Gita. Some weeks there are donations, others weeks not so much. My job is to let it go, all the time. My job is to teach the very best class I can, today, tomorrow and the next and keeping showing up no matter what. It is in God’s hands. Trust and surrender.
The unusual style of pranayama I teach is the surrendered path, so it seems fitting.
Despite the survey response of 70% of the people wanting the American approach, I am going to keep going in the direction that my heart tells me to go. Go Indian. Most of all, come to class and screw the guilt.