Seize the Day
/Now is the time to develop your spiritual life, each and every day. Practice, daily practice is the way to grow.
Let's face it. One or two days of practice, now and then, sporadic breath or meditation practice, doesn't yield results because the prana and the focus never get strong enough.
The key is to set a specific time for practice. Many people say “I meditate all the time, all day long" which is great, but a specific time for formal practice is necessary.
What is THE time for meditation? The yogis said 4-6am.
“I can’t do that,” most people say. “I won’t do that.”
Okay, great let’s begin with this:
Step One: Get up a little earlier than normal rising time, and start with a 5 minute practice of watching the breath. Make the effort to get up a little bit earlier at whatever time you get up. Do a simple 5 minute breath practice, and you have a beginning. Just that much, done every day without missing a day can be the vital shift that changes your life. (Hint: It is easier to do this if you connect with friends who are doing the same practice with you.)
Step Two: Join us at 6am online for class, experiments and inspiration. One Ghatikaa 24 minutes of Left Right Breath.
When is the world really quiet in your neighborhood? 4-6am probably. The birds sing and the air is crisp. 7-8am is breakfast time for many and by 9am, the psychic noise in your neighborhood is loud. Everyone is in work mode. If you meditate at 10am everyday you may find your head is as thick as a brick. It is possible, but why put yourself at such a disadvantage. Why not build your best life by focusing on your spiritual life?
You may find that if you practice breath meditation later in the day around 10am as your only practice time, the practice soon falls apart. Life happens and you start missing practice days because of this reason and that excuse. When you miss days, you never get enough prana going.
Before the sun rises, is a struggle worth winning. The sages and holy people all over the world, have cherished the dead quiet of the early morning as the time to communicate, commune and get in tune. Wake up before the sun.
The group is online and waiting for you. Community is stronger than willpower. Join us.
Many of the long term practitioners of This Next Breath get up at 4-5am and do their own morning practice, a seemless exploration of poses, Left Right Breath and still meditation. After personal practice, they then get on the 6am broadcast and support others and support the group. There are daily readings, themes and inspiration to start your day. It’s a good deal. And it is by donation.